Danger téléphone portable et antenne relais, danger wifi pour la santé, dangers téléphone sans-fil DECT (cancer du cerveau...)
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Mises en cause de l'expertise officielle sur les dangers de la téléphonie mobile


Pétition pour des lieux de vie sains  https://www.robindestoits.org/PETITION-Pour-des-lieux-de-vie-sains_a3427.html
L'EHS  est une urgence humanitaire https://www.robindestoits.org/Petition-l-EHS-Urgence-Humanitaire_a3433.html
Soutenez les pétitions contre les antennes-relais.

Pétition pour des lieux de Vie sans ondes.

Récapitulatif du danger
de la téléphonie mobile et du Wi-fi

Comment désactiver le wifi ?

Comment désactiver le Wifi (Wi-Fi) chez soi :

Par défaut, la plupart des "box" ADSL ont l'option wifi activée, source permanente (*) d'émission "type téléphonie mobile" dont la toxicité a été prouvée scientifiquement. (**)

Celui-ci est toxique non seulement pour votre bébé, pour vous et pour votre entourage, y compris vos voisins !

Voici comment désactiver le Wifi pour s'en protéger et ne plus en faire "profiter" ses voisins !

(*) Un Wifi non-désactivé émet en permanence, que l'ordinateur soit allumé/connecté ou pas.
(**) Les ondes du wifi sont des hyperfréquences (micro-ondes) pulsées en extrêmement basses fréquences (ELF) du type téléphonie mobile dont la nocivité a été démontrée notamment par le rapport scientifique Bioinitiative.

Les preuves du danger pour la santé du portable, Wi-fi, Bluetooth, DECT...

Top 5 requêtes

 1. Danger portable (cancer cerveau)

 2. Danger Wi-fi bébé et foetus / Babyphone ondes danger

 3. Danger portable dans la poche

 4. Danger portable enfant

 5. Portable santé

Irish Doctors Environmental Association - IDEA Position on Electro-Magnetic Radiation

The Irish Doctors' Environmental Association believes that a sub-group of the population are particularly sensitive to exposure to different types of electro-magnetic radiation. The safe levels currently advised for exposure to this non-ionising radiation are based solely on its thermal effects. However, it is clear that this radiation also has non-thermal effects, which need to be taken into consideration when setting these safe levels. The electro-sensitivity experienced by some people results in a variety of distressing symptoms which must also be taken into account when setting safe levels for exposure to non-ionising radiation and when planning the siting of masts and transmitters.

1. An increasing number of people in Ireland are complaining of symptoms which, while they may vary in nature, intensity and duration, can be demonstrated to be clearly related to exposure to electro-magnetic radiation (EMR).

2. International studies on animals over the last 30 years have shown the potentially harmful effects of exposure to electro-magnetic radiation. In observational studies, animals have shown consistent distress when exposed to EMR. Experiments on tissue cultures and rats have shown an increase in malignancies when exposed to mobile telephone radiation.

3. Studies on mobile telephone users have shown significant levels of discomfort in certain individuals following extensive use or even, in some cases, following regular short-term use.

4. The current safe levels for exposure to microwave radiation were determined based solely on the thermal effects of this radiation. There is now a large body of evidence that clearly shows that this is not appropriate, as many of the effects of this type of radiation are not related to these thermal effects.

The Irish Doctors' Environmental Association believes that the Irish Government should urgently review the information currently available internationally on the topic of the thermal and non-thermal effects of exposure to electro-magnetic radiation with a view to immediately initiating appropriate research into the adverse health effects of exposure to all forms of non-ionising radiation in this country, and into the forms of treatment available elsewhere. Before the results of this research are available, an epidemiological database should be initiated of individuals suffering from symptoms thought to be related to exposure to non-ionising radiation. Those claiming to be suffering from the effects of exposure to electro-magnetic radiation should have their claims investigated in a sensitive and thorough way, and appropriate treatment provided by the State.

The strictest possible safety regulations should be established for the installation of masts and transmitters, and for the acceptable levels of potential exposure of individuals to electro-magnetic radiation.


See Also:

Report by Dr Elizabeth Cullen to the Joint Oireachtas Committee, Dail Eireann, Feb 2005

Research on Sensitivity to Non-Ionising Radiation in Ireland

Research Studies done on Microwave Radiation

Other books, articles and websites on the subject of EMR

Source : http://www.ideaireland.org/emr.htm

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