Living with electrohypersensivity (EHS) : a survival guide ( - Canada)

by: Susan Parsons
Human beings are bioelectrical systems. Our hearts and brains are regulated by internal bioelectrical signals. Environmental exposures to artificial EMFs can interact with fundamental biological processes in the human body.
(Sage, 2007)

We are living in an increasingly complex electrical environment and are inundated daily with electromagnetic frequencies ranging from less than 20 Hz (electric trains) to greater than 1 billion Hz (wireless telecommunication). Most of these frequencies are man-made and were not present until the invention and subsequent commercialization of electricity (early 1900s), radio (1920s), radar (1940s), television (1950s), computers (1970s), and cell phones (1980s). Whether, and at what intensities, these frequencies have biological effects has been a subject of scientific debate for decades.
(Havas & Stetzer, 2004)

Early recognition, avoidance of symptom-triggering agents, environmental control, treatments that may reduce residual toxins and recovery of normal biological processes are key to regaining health for people with sensitivities. Without mitigation of the incitant, people with environmental sensitivities may become severely debilitated.
(Sears, 2007)

In today's world, everyone is exposed to two types of EMFs:

1.    Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF) from electrical and electronic appliances and power lines

2.    Radiofrequency radiation (RF) from wireless devices such as cell phones and cordless phones, cellular
antennas and towers, and broadcast transmission towers. (Sage, 2007)

Dirty/Stray Electricity refers to high frequency transients, harmonics, and other noise on electrical wiring. It can be generated inside buildings by electronic equipment and it can enter the home through wiring from nearby sources including wireless telecommunication antennas connected to the power grid. When the capacity of the primary neutral on distribution lines is exceeded, current runs along the ground and enters homes via grounded water pipes. (Havas & Stetzer, 2004)

See the complete EHS survival guide :

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