Rapport COST 281 : Implication potentielle sur la santé des systèmes de communication mobile (2001-2007)

COST : European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research

Thème de recherche du groupe de travail :
Effets potentiels sur la santé des systèmes de communication mobile

Source : http://www.cost281.org/documents.php

Appel à contribution pour la traduction rigoureuse en Français des résumés (abstracts) de ces études scientifiques sur les effets sanitaires des technologies de communication mobile.
E-mail à contacter : webmaster@robindestoits.org

Merci d'avance !

Lire également : 'Les CEM utilisés dans la téléphonie mobile peuvent-ils entraîner des troubles du sommeil et d'autres changements cognitifs ?' - 10/12/2003

Document sans nom COST Documents 2001/09 Inaugural Meeting
2001/10 EU-Japan-Korea-US
2002/03 JRC Collaborative Action
2002/05 COST 281 / EBEA Forum (Rome)
2002/11 "Genetic and Cytogenetic Aspects of RF-Field Interaction" (Loewenstein/Germany)
2002/12 "Subtle Temperature Effects of RF-EMF"and 3rd MCM (London)
2003/05 "Mobile Phone Base Stations and Health" and 4th MCM (Dublin)
2003/11 "Mobile Telecommunication and the Brain" and 5th MCM (Budapest)
2003/11 "The Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) - Can it be influenced by RF-field interactions?" (Reisensburg/Germany)
2003/12 ''Can electromagnetic fields used in mobile communications provoke sleep disorders and other cognitive changes?'' (Immen
2004/03 "Potential bioeffects of new technologies, in particular in the UHF range (300 MHz – 3 GHz)" and 6th MCM (Thessaloniki)
2004/04 "Influence of RF Fields on the Expression of Stress Proteins" (Helsinki)
2004/04 Erice School: Methodology in Bioelectromagnetics Experimental Investigations
2004/08 "Are RF-fields able to raise the risk of cancer?" (Schriesheim)
2004/09 COST281 "Workshop on RF Exposure Assessment" and 7th MCM (Paris)
2004/09 Joint workshop IEEE, ICES, COST 281: Thermal Physiology Workshop (Paris)
2004/11 "Do sinusoidal versus non-sinusoidal waveforms make a difference?" and 8th MCM (Zurich)
2004/11 "From Bioeffects to Legislation" (Ljubljana)
2005/05 ''Application of Proteomics and Transcriptomics in EMF Research'' (Helsinki)
2005/06 "WHO-Workshop on Base Stations and Wireless Networks" (Genf)
2005/06 ''Subtle Thermal Effects of RF-fields in vitro and in vivo'' (Stuttgart)
2005/07 Workshop "Biological Aspects of EMF-Exposure on TETRA Systems" and 9th MCM (Trondheim)
2005/07 Workshop "Potential Impact of Abdominal RF-Exposure on Human Reproduction" (Trondheim)
2005/07 Workshop: "Statstics and Bioelectromagnetism" in Trondheim, Oct 5th 2005
2005/09 Erice School: Electromagnetic Fields and Genotoxiticity
2005/11 Int. Workshop in Korea on Mobile Telephony and Health, November 7th-8th, 2005
2005/11 Workshop Emerging Technologies in Graz, 20.-21. April 2006
2006/01 Workshop Epidemiology Task Force in London, January 20th, 2006
2006/05 Proposed Mechanisms for the Interaction of RF-Signals with Living Matter, Rostock, September 2006, 11-13
2006/08 Int. Seminar in Ljubljana / Zagreb, September 2006, 13-15
2006/10 COST Action 281: Final Presentation in Brussels, 17 November 2006
2006/10 Erice School: Mechanisms of interaction between electromagnetic fields and biological systems
2006/10 Workshop "Do children represent an especially sensitive group of EMF exposed people? State of Research"
2006/11 Joint Workshop on Radio Frequency (RF) and Health, Tokyo, November 2006, 14-15
2006/12 16th IST Mobile Communications Summit on July 2006, 1-5 in Budapest
2007/02 South African Mobile Phone Symposium, Johannesburg, 2007, October 7-9
2007/07 Workshop 'Sleep Disorders, EEG-Changes, Altered Cognitive Functions', Stuttgart, Nov 5-7, 2007
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